Shopping mall pictures from Toronto and the GTA. These pictures will feel nostalgic in 25 years. Eaton Centre, Square One, PATH, Pacific Mall, and more... Pics starting from 2022

Nordstrom eBar Artisan Coffee - Eaton Centre Toronto

Is the coffee at Nordstrom eBar Artisan Coffee shop any good?

I don't know. But if I want to find out, I better try it soon... Nordstrom will soon be closing all of it's Canadian locations and this coffee shop will go down with it. Time is ticking to try the coffee.

In this picture, a man walks by eBar, likely oblivious to the fact that the shop will soon close. He should stop in to buy a cappuccino before it's too late.

Picture of Nordstrom eBar Artisan Coffee taken at Toronto's Eaton Centre mall in March, 2023.

Address: 220 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 2H1

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