Shopping mall pictures from Toronto and the GTA. These pictures will feel nostalgic in 25 years. Eaton Centre, Square One, PATH, Pacific Mall, and more... Pics starting from 2022

Unlimited Bargains - Malvern Town Centre Scarborough

A man tips his toque as he walks past Unlimted Bargains at Malvern Town Centre in Scarborough.

I wonder if it's customary to tip your headwear as you walk across the yellow line on the floor in front of the store?

Hey man, I wish I knew that... I walked across the yellow line and didn't know that I had to tip my hat. Now I know!

Picture of Unlimited Bargains taken at Malvern Town Centre in April, 2024.

Address: 31 Tapscott Rd. Scarborough, ON M1B 4Y7

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